Two-Toned Blue Caviar Nails

Two-Toned Blue Caviar Nails

Two-toned Blue Caviar Nail

What you need:

  • Blue (we used Essie Beach Bum Blu, buy it here)
  • Micro Beads (we used Recollections Ocean and Capri, available at Michael's, see photo below)
  • Base Coat and Top Coat (we used Essie, buy the top coat here, and base coat here)

What to do:

  1. Start with clean, dry nails. Paint each nail with base coat.
  2. Paint all nails blue. Two coats may be required.
  3. Immediately after you paint the second coat pour the dark micro beads on to the bottom half of your nail and then the lighter beads on the top half of your nail. It is best to do one nail at a time so you can ensure that the beads will stick. Also turn your nail to make sure that all of the beads are attached and there is no bare nail. (See photo below)
  4. Once the beads seem to be stuck, pat down the beads gently into the polish so they are more neat.
  5. Paint on top coat after ensuring your beads are stuck, and allow to dry!

Recollections-- Ocean and Capri Micro Beads


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